Orange County Complete Streets Policy approved


GOSHEN – Orange County’s Complete Streets Policy, which encourages safer roads and pathways, has been approved by the county legislature.
The initiative is part of the ongoing collaborative between the county
departments of Health, Planning and Public Works, aimed at improving transportation-related
elements of projects involving county property. This can include new construction
as well as retrofitting and upgrades to existing roads and facilities.
A Complete Street is a roadway planned and designed to consider the safe,
convenient access and mobility of roadway users of all ages and abilities,
including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders. 
Each Complete Street is unique, but common elements may include bus shelters,
pavement markings, bike lanes, bump out curb extensions, pedestrian control
signals, crosswalks and sidewalks.
County Executive Steven Neuhaus said Complete Streets “will help better connect visitors and residents to Orange County neighborhoods and communities.”
County Planning Commissioner David Church said providing residents “better access to transportation modes while improving air quality and increasing safety, all help to encourage more physical activity and community engagement.” 

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