Molinaro submits shared services plan


County Executive Marcus Molinaro has presented his shared services plan
to the county legislature before it goes to Albany as mandated by the
governor. Dutchess
Shared Services Plan – click here

Molinaro said the plan features 35 projects that will save county taxpayers

? “We have identified about $20 million in shared services savings
over the next two years including expansion of our workers’ comp
pool where supervisors and towns, villages and cities can buy into the
county’s workers’ comp pool, expansion of our drug tax force
to respond through law enforcement through drug abuse and a strong criminal
justice effort,” he said.

Molinaro said putting the plan together was the result of the good working
relationship the county has with the localities. He said the levels of
local government have been working on shared services long before they
were mandated by Albany.

“Though it was frustrating to be mandated to adhere to the unrealistic
format that the state required, I appreciate County Executive Molinaro
bringing us all together to continue the strong commitment and momentum
we have all made with shared service efforts,” said Rhinebeck Town
Supervisor Elizabeth Spiniza.

The county legislature will hear a presentation on the proposed plan at
its August 10 committee meeting. There will also be three public hearings
for county residents to provide feedback, including on August 2 at 7 p.m.
at Dover Town Hall; August 30 at 6 p.m. at Wappinger Town Hall; and at
10 a.m. on August 31 a the County Legislature Chambers in Poughkeepsie.

The report must be filed with the state before September 15.


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