Housing for homeless youths opens in Yonkers


YONKERS – The Bruce Avenue Youth House (BAY), operated by Westhab, Inc., has opened providing four units and 16 beds of transitional housing for young adults, ages 18 to 24. 
The $3.2 million housing development in Yonkers provides a safe and secure place to live and provides services to youths that help them develop the skills necessary to become independent, productive adults with the goal of moving into permanent housing.
The state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance’s Homeless Housing and Assistance Program provided 100 percent of the capital funding for the project.
“BAY House is an attractive, quality, and safe place for these young adults to call home,” said Westhab President Richard Nightingale. “But more than that, BAY represents an opportunity for these young people to get back on track with education, employment, and other goals so that they can transition to independent living and self-sufficiency.” 

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