SUNY Orange wins $1.5 million grant to develop Liberty Partnership Program


NEWBURGH – SUNY Orange has received a $1.5 million grant from the state Education Department to establish an after-school Liberty Partnership Program in collaboration with the Newburgh Enlarged City School District and the Boys and Girls Club of Newburgh to improve academic success and career readiness for disadvantaged middle school and high school students.
The five-year grant will allow development of programs aimed at ensuring student persistence, high school graduation and sustained academic achievement.
The program, to serve 240 students, will include college/career readiness training and service learning experiences for students in the Heritage Middle School and Newburgh Free Academy’s three campuses – Main, North and West.
College President Dr. Kristine Young said the school district will identify students at risk of dropping out or most in need of the programming, and provide guidance and support throughout the school year.
The bulk of the programming will be delivered at the college’s Newburgh campus with the grant cycle to begin on September 1. 

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