Blood emergency declared


NEW YORK – New York Blood
Center has declared a blood emergency and is asking the public to donate
at blood center donor center locations or at one of many blood drives.
for area blood drive dates and locations)

A seven-day supply of blood of all types is needed, but there is only
a two-day supply of O negative, B negative and A negative.

The agency said O negative blood donors are considered “universal”
and their blood type is needed most readily in trauma situations and emergency
departments. Due to its high demand, O negative blood is in short supply
and the New York Blood Center is asking people with that type to donate.

Every year during the summer months, the supply tends to dwindle because
of seasonal factors including vacations, school in recess and leisure
time, but the need for blood never takes a vacation, blood center officials

To donate blood or for information on how to organize a blood drive, phone


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