Westchester IDA provides incentives for two new projects


WHITE PLAINS – The Westchester
County Industrial Development Agency has approved incentives for two new
projects – the creation of The Shrub Oak International School in
the Town of Yorktown and the residential conversation of the former AT&T
headquarters at 440 Hamilton Avenue in White Plains.

The Shrub Oak International School for autistic adults ages 14 to 22,
will invest over $40 million in purchasing, renovating and upgrading a
vacant facility at 3151 Stoney Street in Shrub Oaks and replace it with
a for-profit, high-performance boarding school that will provide tax revenue
and an estimated 584 new jobs.

The project, on 127 acres of land with a main building of 270,000 square
feet and six outbuildings of 20,000 square feet combined, dormitory rooms,
classrooms, an auditorium, a gym, dining room and other spaces. Two barns,
a pool, improved parking and a helistop will also be constructed.

The IDA inducement for 440 Hamilton Avenue in White Plains will make possible
the estimated $87 million purchase, renovation and expansion of the former
AT&T headquarters into a state-of-the-art 245 unit residential facility
scheduled to open in early 2019.

The 350,000-square foot, 12-story building, will be expanded by 20,000-square
feet and 10 percent of the new housing stock will be set aside as affordable



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