New airline plans Stewart to Europe service


Baltia has one plane, a 747

NEW WINDSOR – A “paper airline” that has tried to get off the ground and provide flights to Europe and Russia from US airports for some 27 years, is planning to change its name and seek those routes from Stewart International Airport.
Baltia Airlines has new leadership and board of directors and next Thursday will vote to change the airline’s name to U.S. Global and seek federal approvals to fly from Stewart to Eastern European and Mediterranean cities and even offer the only non-stop service from the U.S. to St. Petersburg, Russia, airline spokesman John Lampl told Mid-Hudson News on Thursday.
“They are in the process of getting their certificate so they can
operate a full-fledged, what’s called a Part 121 airline, carrying
passengers, cargo and mail,” Lampl said. “The aim is to hub
at Stewart and fly on various routes into Europe that are covered through
the E.U.-U.S. Open Skies agreement.”
The new airline has already rented office space from Atlantic Aviation, a fixed base operator at Stewart and plans to house its aircraft in the former General Electric hangar, which Atlantic purchased months ago.
How long it will take to secure approvals and start service has yet to
be determined, because as a start-up, the airline has no airplanes and
 Stewart’s first European service, on Norwegian Airlines, will begin in late June. 

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