Man extradited from Guatemala to face child sex abuse charges


WHITE PLAINS – A former Mamaroneck resident has been extradited from Guatemala and returned to village court on a bench warrant issued in 1998 when he failed to appear on two felony complaints.
Luis Ortiz, 49, was charged with course of sexual conduct against a child and sexual abuse.
On November 9, 1998, a then-five-year-old girl told her mother that Ortiz had sexually abused her while she was in his home the previous weekend. The mother immediately filed a police report.
Ortiz was arrested two days later and charged after he admitted to sexually abusing the child.  Bail was set at $25,000, but reduced to $5,000.
One month later, it was disclosed by the victim that Ortiz had engaged in several more serious sexual assaults against her resulting in the second charge with bail set at $50,000, but reduced to $10,000. He posted bail and failed to appear at his two next scheduled court dates and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
Investigation now led to the discovery that he was in the Central American country living under an assumed name. He was arrested last August and after losing appeals to fight extradition, was returned to Westchester County on May 3.
If convicted of the most serious crime, Ortiz could face up to 25 years in state prison. 

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