Schumer, in Rockland, calls for oil by rail standards


HAVERSTRAW – Last week’s
CSX train crash with a vehicle on the tracks in Haverstraw did not involve
any crude oil cargo, but the rail line is a route for that supply and
that brought US Senator Charles Schumer to Haverstraw on Monday to call
for oil stabilization standards on the rails.

The senator said Rockland “dodged the bullet” this time, but
called on the departments of Transportation and Energy to finalize the
ongoing assessment of the need for oil stabilization standards. He also
would like the quick implementation of new requirements that oil be stabilized
before being shipped across New York.

“Railroad safety has been a long-standing major concern for me and
everyone living in Rockland,” said County Executive Edwin Day. “There
are numerous freight trains carrying highly flammable Bakken oil through
Rockland County every day. We need legislation on both the state and federal
level to make sure that the rail cars are the safest, most up to date
available and the trains are moving at a safe speed,” the county
executive said.


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