Rockland’s Rental Registry takes effect


NEW CITY – The countywide Multiple Dwelling Rental Registry went into effect in Rockland County on Wednesday.
The registry requires an owner of dwellings with three or more units
to register on-line with the Rockland Department of Health and to provide
a certificate of occupancy and other information.
“We have had ongoing problems with some landlords who take advantage of a tight market and vulnerable tenants to collect rent on substandard housing,” said County Executive Edwin Day. “We will not tolerate unsafe, unsanitary housing in Rockland County. We will not put up with landlords who prey on tenants.”
Landlords will have to pay $25 per unit to register and when that is complete, the county health department will issue a rental registry certificate.
Landlords without a certificate will be given a chance to get one. If they do not comply, they will face fines of up to $2,000 per day.

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