Debate continues on Legoland issues


More critics than supporters at Thursday night Town Board meeting

TOWN OF GOSHEN – As the local community continues to comment on the Legoland theme park proposed for the Town of Goshen and town officials continue to review the plan, the town board Thursday night heard more comments, pro and con, about the project.
The latest pending actions relate to the submission of a Final Environmental Impact Statement by Merlin Entertainments before any forward progress can be made on the municipal level.
Goshen Supervisor Douglas Bloomfield said in his 12-year tenure as the
town’s supervisor a project of this scope has been slow going due
to the unprecedented enormity of the project.
“I’ve never been on one like this before, and it’s so big. It’s such a large project: a $500 million project,” said Bloomfield. “I don’t have any idea how long it will take for the planning board to go through all those issues, to see that they’re satisfactorily mitigated- the problems. I just don’t know.”
Although Merlin was not willing to address the status of how the Final environmental impact statement is progressing, at this point, Bloomfield attested that he believes they are working very diligently and thoroughly to get the job done.
Municipal officials maintain that there is still much ground to be covered before an accurate assessment can be made, and at this juncture, there is no set timeline for a vote.

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