Over 200 cops trained on cutting-edge techniques to combat illegal drugs


GOSHEN – One of the key components of Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler’s fight against drugs is education, not just of the general public, but of law enforcement as well.
On Wednesday, over 200 police officers from across the region underwent training about techniques that law enforcement can use to investigate certain types of illegal drug operations, and about the dangers of and trends in illegal heroin and fentanyl use and trafficking.
The training provided officers with the latest information on investigating illegal drug activity including the dangers of fentanyl, a synthetic opiate that is quickly becoming one of the most abused drugs in the country, and about methods law enforcement can use to safely handle the drugs.
Officers also received information about trends in light of illegal heroin trade in the Mid-Hudson region.
Attendees received training about investigating two types of larger-scale drug operations – clandestine drug labs for methamphetamines, ecstasy and steroids, and they learned about the hazardous types of chemicals used in those operations, how to recognize a potential clandestine lab and to take appropriate action.
They also learned about indoor marijuana growing operations, investigating and dismantling them, chemicals associated with them and health concerns for law enforcement officers entering illegal grow houses.
“Illegal drugs are destroying lives, families, communities, and it is criminal that our police officers know the techniques necessary to take down illegal drug manufacturers and sellers,” Hoovler said. “But it is also essential that officers know how to conduct those investigations safely.”
The training on Wednesday was aimed at doing just that, providing information for officers to recognize and investigate illegal drug manufacturing operations.  The conference was held in conjunction with the Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network.

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