Dutchess budget goes to full legislature for approval


POUGHKEEPSIE – The Dutchess County budget for 2017, which includes a property tax decrease of two-cents per $1,000 of valuation, will come before a public hearing on Monday, December 5. The $467 million spending plan will then be voted on by the full county legislature on December 8.
It is expected to pass after clearing the Budget and Finance Committee by an 11- to-one vote on Wednesday.
Committee Chairwoman Angela Flesland said they scrutinized the spending plan with a fine-tooth comb. “With much needed tax relief for property taxpayers, a continued commitment to strong and efficient county services and smart investments in our local economy, this spending plan will serve as an excellent blueprint for our future as a county,” Flesland said
County Legislature Chairman Dale Borchert said the budget will reduce the tax burden, keep spending flat.
“We have pretty much held the line on spending, made enough cuts so that we are cutting taxes by a little so our rate goes from $3.60 per $1,000 of assessed value down to $3.58 per $1,000 of assessed value,” Borchert said.
The budget as it stands now includes $1.7 million in investments in economic development and tourism promotion, an industry that generates close to $500 million into the county economy. 

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