Tri-Valley elementary school found to have high lead levels in water


GRAHAMSVILLE – Half of the water samples taken at the Tri-Valley Elementary School have been found to exceed the state Health Department maximum contaminant level.
Recent testing, as per state legislation, requires that all school districts
test their potable water for lead contamination and take responsive actions.
In Tri-Valley at the elementary school, approximately 87 of the 166 samples were found to have lead levels above 15 parts per billion, the state maximum contamination level.
While most of the positive testing samples were in sinks, some were found
in classroom and hallway drinking fountains, which were immediately shut
off. The school has been provided with water coolers with fresh water
until the supply can be tested.
Officials said the lead source is coming from the old fixtures and not from the water source. The old fixtures will be replaced immediately and retested, they said.
Test results for the high school have yet to come back from the lab. 

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