Ulster Social Services commissioner supports Family Court move


KINGSTON – The proposed move of Ulster County Family Court from the City of Kingston to the county-owned Business Resource Center over the city line in the Town of Ulster has the support of county Social Services Commissioner Michael Iapoce.
The current facilities are “woefully inadequate and siting the court adjacent to the Department of Social Services would provide practical and long term benefits to the children and families who actually appear in the court since many of the services mandated by Family Court are provided at DSS offices,” Iapoce said.
He noted that many of the services at his office located at the Business Resource Center are designed to help those in need.
“For those persons who might be involved in a proceeding that is being presided over by the family court, or those individuals who are also accessing our services or apply for or recertifying for any of our public assistance programs, there would be a convenience arrived at having it collocated,” Iapoce said.
The State Office of Court Administration has previously stated the Business Resource Center is “uniquely suited to be developed into a first-rate Family Court facility that complies with the Chief Judge’s facility guidelines, achieves compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, is technologically up-to-date, and most importantly, will provide the people of Ulster County with a courthouse that is appropriate for the important work of this court.”
Opponents of the move, led by among others, County Legislator Donald Davidson, who represents Kingston, say the facilities should stay within the county seat and to move Family Court would set a dangerous precedent for other offices to relocate, and that a move would inconvenience lawyers, staff and those who must appear.
The Kingston Common Council and Mayor Steven Noble said they oppose a move out of the city.
Voters will have the say in a referendum on the general election ballot next Tuesday. 

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