Over 100 street lights repaired in Newburgh


NEWBURGH – A total of 133 street lights reported to Central Hudson as being out have been repaired and are turned back on, making over 4,000 street lights brightening Newburgh city streets.
It is widely believed that brightly lit streets in Newburgh will substantially
reduce crimes in those areas, and City Manager Michael Ciaravino said
officials are further ratcheting up nighttime crime control.
“We have developed some protocols for monitoring these including regular surveys. We are also developing a GPS map that can identify the location of each and every street light in the City of Newburgh and we are also working on some proposals and recommendations from our police department primarily increasing current crime data with areas of the city for surveying whether there can additional lighting called for in particular areas of our city,” Ciaravino said.
This summer, a recent Newburgh Free Academy graduate was shot and killed on a city street with its lights out and surveillance cameras broken. 

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