Infrastructure funding available for Ulster municipalities


KINGSTON – More than $3
million in infrastructure funding will be available to Ulster County’s
towns, villages and City of Kingston, County Executive Michael Hein announced
That money is on top of the $30 million infrastructure investment program known as “Building a Better Ulster County.”
The new funds can be used for paving projects and bridge repair.
“Ulster County residents have seen an unprecedented investment in the county’s roads and bridges recently and we plan to continue our work next year with an additional $15 million,” Hein said.
The new money is being made available through the Ulster County Transportation
Council using Federal Surface Transportation Program funds.
Project eligibility will include rehabilitation of off-system bridges;
and pavement resurfacing, rehabilitation and other complete streets projects.
According to federal guidelines, all projects will require a 20 percent local match by the municipality and each locality may submit multiple applications.

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