Protestors of education aid walk from NYC through Mid-Hudson en route to Albany


BEACON – Supporters of the #EdWalk for CFE, a 150-mile walk from New York City to Albany want to raise awareness about the Campaign for Fiscal Awareness trial against the State of New York.  They reached Beacon Wednesday afternoon.

Walkers in Beacon, halfway through their 150-mile trek from NYC to Albany

Those involved in the effort say that the state still owes schools $3.9
billion, $4 million of that owed to Beacon schools alone.
Executive Director of Alliance for Quality Education Billy Easton said although the state was consistent originally, paying the agreed to monies over the first two years, they have not been fulfilling their obligation over the last eight years. He said those who are a part of the #EdWalk are demanding the state pay the remaining balance over the next two years.
“We are walking to Albany to demand that they fully fund that within two years: two years, $2 billion this year, $1.9 billion dollars next year – deliver for our kids,” said Easton. “This is about basic things like art and music in our schools, advanced placement courses, so students can compete for college, career and technical education, smaller class sizes; it’s about making sure that every student gets a good education.”
Beacon Mayor Randy Casale, one of a number of elected officials coming out in support of the #EdWalk, said the state is “getting away” with not paying out what they were mandated to by the courts.
“I’m just wondering why the politicians in Albany don’t do what the courts told them they’re obligated to do and, as elected officials, I take offense to that because if the courts told me, as a city official, we were mandated to do something, I’d be forced to do it and I don’t understand how they get away with it,” Casale said.
The #EdWalk will be continuing to Poughkeepsie and participants are planned
to arrive at the State Capitol next Tuesday.  

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