Same buyer submits bid for Sain Building in Rockland


Sain Building

NEW CITY – One bid was received Thursday for the sale of Rockland County’s Sain Building in New City, but there are problems with the bid.
The bidder was the same firm that wanted to buy the building and create senior citizen housing. The county legislature rejected the offer late last year and put the sale out to bid again.        
National Development of Newton, Massachusetts bid the same amount – $4.51 million – but did not include the required check for 10 percent of the purchase price offer.  As a result, the submission appears to constitute a nonresponsive bid, meaning that no bid was actually submitted, leadership said.  They also said by not submitting the deposit, the company altered conditions of the bid.
Republican County Executive Edwin Day blasted the Democrat-controlled county legislature saying the lawmakers gained nothing more than “forcing the county into austerity and just about guaranteeing that Rockland will end the year with a budget deficit.”
Legislators said they are evaluating their options following the new bid. 

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