Lowey calls for House to return to session immediately and pass funding tor Zika research


WHITE PLAINS – Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D, NY17) called on House Speaker Paul Ryan to immediately bring members back to Washington to approve $1.1 billion in emergency funding to combat the spread of the Zika virus.
Lowey said on Thursday current funding is about to run out and scientists cannot wait any longer to continue their research.
“It is outrageous that, at a time when the deadly Zika virus is spreading within the continental United States, Congress sits on its hands and refuses to provide emergency funding needed for an effective response,” the congresswoman said. “The consequences of this public health emergency are too severe for political gamesmanship. Speaker Ryan, you should immediately reconvene the House of Representatives to provide emergency funding to stem the tide of this public health crisis.”
The Senate already approved the $1.1 billion for the research.
The first locally transmitted infections have been recorded in Miami, prompting the first-ever CDC travel warning in the continental US.

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