Top Orange County officials make their rounds at Night Out events


PORT JERVIS – Orange County’s
top prosecutor made a point of stopping at all of the National Night Out
events in his county, including in Port Jervis, on Tuesday evening.
David Hoovler said meeting with the community and police is particularly
important this year, given violence in other parts of the country.
“I am here tonight supporting our law enforcement, supporting all those who protect us, and trying to do everything I can in my position to build trust between the law enforcement community and the community at large. I think an event like tonight, with all the not-for-profits and everybody participating, does just that,” Hoovler said.

Orange County officials made the rounds to several events around the county, including Middletown.
Orange County DA David Hoovler, County Clerk Annie Rabbitt, County Executive Steven Neuhaus, Sheriff Carl DuBois
and Middletown Recreation Director Chris Brinkerhoff.


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