Newburgh police chief candidates being canvassed


NEWBURGH – The four police officers who passed the recent civil service exam for Newburgh police chief are being canvassed to determine their interest in the post.
Those successful candidates are Paul Johnson, John Coyne, Kevin McKeon and Tamara Dreyer. City Manager Michel Ciaravino said one of them has already expressed disinterest in the job.
“The preliminary advice I have been given is that if it is less than two, the list is not a mandatory list, so there are some other options that present themselves if that becomes the case,” Ciaravino said.
That could mean that current Chief Daniel Cameron could be named permanent chief. He is “a very qualified police chief,” Ciaravino said.
Cameron refused to take the city’s open competitive exam saying he should have been given the opportunity to take a promotional exam since he has been a member of the Newburgh police force for some 20 years.

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