Middletown water meets federal standards, city officials say


MIDDLETOWN – Despite reports
to the contrary, the City of Middletown’s water is virtually lead
free and perfectly safe to consume. Mayor Joseph DeStefano and Public
Works Commissioner Jacob Tawil brought that message to residents this
If there are traces of lead anywhere in the system, they are from old pipes, faucets and the like in individual buildings, not the water source, they maintain and Tawil said the city is willing to back up its point.
The city is offering free lead testing for anyone on the city system who would like their water tested.
Since the offer was made recently, Tawil said they have only received a handful of requests from residents to test their water. There are 7,000 customers who use Middletown water.
The issue of lead in water came to the surface recently when Middletown school district water was tested with some infrastructure in school buildings reflecting high levels of lead. Those were taken out of service. 

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