International company builds US headquarters in Orange County


TOWN OF WALLKILL – The buzz phrase of “being powered by” can be taken literally at the Piller USA company’s new American’s headquarters on Wes Warren Drive in the Town of Wallkill.
The international company, which had rented space in Wallkill, built its new 24,000-foot headquarters and light manufacturing facility nestled off the Route 211 shopping corridor.
The company manufactures uninterruptable power supplies that essentially provide backup power to major industry sectors not unlike the UPS system on a home computer, said Anthony Martinisi, director of project management and manufacturing in the US.
“This is a commercial application,” Martinisi said. “We support the data centers, hospitals, the exchange market. We are throughout the industry.”
Piller’s backup power devices provide the uninterrupted energy for cloudy-based businesses and other essential sectors that cannot afford to go down for any reason.
“Ultimately what this does is it gives you ride-through time. It replaces a massive room full of batteries within a four-by-four footprint,” Martinisi said.
Orange County Partnership President Maureen Halahan said the construction has generated $2.8 million in capital investment and supported 84 construction jobs.
Fifty people work in the new Piller facility. 

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