SUNY Sullivan presents downsized budget to county legislature


MONTICELLO – Fewer students
means less tuition revenue for the 2016-17 academic year, and that is
reflected in the budget college officials presented to the county legislature
on Thursday.

The $17.4 million budget is down almost 10 percent from the current budget.

The college took a hit earlier this year when it cut eight positions to
make up for a deficit brought on in part by an about eight percent drop
in enrollment.

Comptroller Susan Horton told the legislators on Thursday that numbers
are lower all around in the budget for the next academic year, but they
are hoping for the same $4.3 million contribution from the county.

In her pitch to the legislators, Horton noted many ways the college continues
to contribute to many segments of the community.

? “We offer programs to our high school students at a discounted
rate and we do have a program through the prison system. And then, we’ve
been offering county employees free tuition as part of our deal with our
county contribution.”

Horton said one thing they will not do is hike tuition for students.

The legislature will hold a public hearing and vote on the budget later
this month.


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