Putnam safety fair draws large crowds


Visitors to the safety fair check out a medevac chopper

CARMEL – The 11th annual Children’s Expo and Public Safety Day, held at the Putnam County Emergency Services Center on Saturday attracted kids and their parents by the hundreds.
Keeping children safe was the theme of the event with exhibitions courtesy of the State Police, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, County Bureau of Emergency Services, Putnam Hospital Center and the Child Advocacy Center.
Child Advocacy Center Program Coordinator Marla Behler had praise for her staff and the county’s emergency responders for keeping families safe and Emergency Services Commissioner Tony Sutton said members of county fire departments and ambulance corps, on the front lines of protecting the community, have total dedication to county residents.           
Attendees at the annual fair were treated to demonstrations from a medevac helicopter crew, K-9 exhibitions by the State Police and sheriff’s office, a magician, storyteller and lessons on handling animals.
The annual event was held in memory of Barbara Gross of Carmel, an educator who lost her battle to cancer in 2011. 

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