MSMC begins process of hiring a new president


NEWBURGH – With the sudden resignation of Mount Saint Mary College
President Dr. Anne Carson Daly, her last day on the job was April 15,
the board of trustees has begun to explore best practices necessary to
hire an interim president. James Raimo is currently serving as the acting
college president.

“This is the first step in what we intend to be a thorough, deliberate
and transparent process to find our next president,” said Dr. Albert
Gruner, board chairman.

The three members of the special committee – Sr. Margaret Anderson,
Donald Daniels and Anna Halpine, will be working with educational organizations
and institutions to assess best practices for the search and succession
planning. The committee will make recommendations to the full board prior
to its June session.

The five Dominican Sisters who serve on the board support this first step
in the search process. “We continue to be encouraged by the level
of commitment of the board, faculty, administration and staff to the future”
of the college, said Sister Lorelle Elcock, one of the five sisters on
the board.


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