Orange County Head Start gets almost $1.8 million in federal funds


MIDDLETOWN – The Regional Economic Community Action Program will receive just under $1.8 million from the federal Department of Health and Human Services for Orange County’s Early Learning and Head Start programs.
The money provides the resources for education and development services for low-income children.
Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide comprehensive child development programs for children from birth to age five, pregnant women and families. The programs focus on preparing children for school.
“Education is one of the most successful anti-poverty programs available to families,” said RECAP CEO Charles Quinn. “RECAP truly believes that education is a pathway out of poverty and as Orange County’s anti-poverty program, we are proud to provide that pathway to our community’s children and their families.”
Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D, NY18) announced the grant noting he has secured more than $3 million in HHS funds for RECAP. 

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