Schumer says “lead crisis” in older homes requires federal funding to reduce danger


WASHINGTON – Lead found in paint and water pipes in old homes in Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Yonkers and other old cities in the Hudson Valley and around the state and nation continues to create a lead crisis and US Senator Charles Schumer is introducing legislation to combat the problem.
The New York senator has teamed up with fellow Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island on two methods of attacking the problem.
“It would allow eligible homeowners and landlords to get a tax credit to cover the cost of removing lead paint in their pipes and homes,” Schumer said.  “The tax credit would be up to $3,000 for getting rid of lead paint and plumbing and $1,000 for specialized cleaning and monitoring of lead paint hazards.”
The legislation would also increase the amount of federal funding from $110 million to $230 million. 

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