Teachout gets Maloney’s endorsement in congressional bid


Maloney endorses Teachout for House seat

NEW PALTZ – Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D, 18) had a good ‘across-the-aisle’
working relationship with Chris Gibson (R, 19). Both are considered ‘middle
of the road’ in their respective parties.

Gibson is not seeking another term.

Several Republicans have announced.

So has liberal Demcrat Zephyr Teachout. She has Maloney’s endorsement.

“Zephyr Teachout knows how to get along with people,” Maloney
said, during a media event in New Paltz.

Teachout said “We are building our campaign on the foundation of
people whose voices are determined to be heard.”

Teachout is a professor of law and Fordham University. She ran for governor
two years ago.

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