Teachout running for Congress


Teachout: “…. their democracy
that is at stake”

ROSENDALE – Zephyr Teachout, the college professor and third party gubernatorial candidate two years ago, announced on Monday she will seek the Democratic Party line for Congress in the 19th District this November.
Last week, the chairs of the Democratic committees in the district announced their support and urged her to run.
“People understand that democracy isn’t working,” Teachout said in her announcement statement. “Big corporations and wealthy donors get tax breaks and subsidies, while nurses, state workers, teachers, parents, family families, and small businesses don’t even get a voice.”
Teachout said as she has traveled the district in recent years, she has talked about corruption, renewable energy solutions and public education. “Here’s what I’ve been hearing: families in New York’s 19th Congressional District aren’t ready to give up. It’s their water, their kids’ education, their retirement, and their democracy that is at stake.”
Three other Democrats have expressed interest in the district post – Margo Miller, Julian Schreibman and Will Yandik.
Republican candidate Andrew Heaney said he is “looking forward to a lively, principled debate contrasting my optimistic pro-growth vision for our region, with Zephyr’s radical de Blasio – Sanders ideology.”
John Faso, another GOP candidate, reacted to Teachout’s candidacy through his spokesman, Dain Pascocello. “Regardless of which New York City-based candidate parachutes into the district for their self-serving reasons, none can change Washington’s status quo or correct the failed policies of the Obama and Cuomo administrations that have reduced our standard of living, jeopardized our national security and threatened our constitutional rights,” Pascocello said.
The congressional primary election will be held in June.
The incumbent, Republican Christopher Gibson, is not seeking reelection this year and is considering with a run for governor in two years.

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