DuBois, Hoovler: The right to bear arms legally does not make permit holders police officers or vigilantes


GOSHEN – In the wake of
Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum urging licensed gun owners to carry
their weapons at all times following the San Bernardino terror attack
by a husband and wife, Orange County Sheriff Carl DuBois and District
Attorney David Hoovler have spoken out.

In a joint statement on Friday, Hoovler and DuBois said the United States
“was founded, in part, on the principal that the responsible use
of firearms is an important safeguard to our liberty.”

They said they have always supported the law abiding citizen’s right
“to responsibly bear firearms and continue to do so.”

The two said the vast majority of gun permit-holders “act responsibly
and realize that holding a pistol permit does not make them either police
officers or vigilantes.”

They encouraged licensed gun holders to “continue to take advantage
of gun safety courses such as those offered by the various sportsmen’s
association, other Orange County gun safety instructors, and the county
sheriff’s office, which also offers a civilian tactical handgun
training program.


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