Pine Bush High School student charged with painting swastika on wall


TOWN OF CRAWFORD – A 16-year-old
Pine Bush High School boy has been arrested and charged with criminal
mischief and making graffiti for painting inappropriate images on the
outside cafeteria wall last Friday that included a swastika.

The youth, whose name police did not make public, must appear in Crawford
Town Court next month.
Town Police Chief Dominick Blasko termed the youth’s actions stupid.

“Ignorance and just making bad decisions. We went through the Orange
County District Attorney’s Office and charged the 16-year-old male
with criminal mischief and making graffiti because it’s a poor choice
and then to add the inflammatory things they did just shows some ignorance,”
he said.
Other images painted on the exterior wall were sexual in nature.

Blasko said the investigation into the criminal mischief is continuing.

Superintendent of Schools Joan Carbone was not available for comment on

Earlier this year, the Pine Bush School District settled with a group
of Jewish parents whose children had been the brunt of ongoing anti-Semitism.
As a result, the court had the district implement a policy of tolerance.


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