Jablonski, Molinaro face off at Dutchess Chamber debate


different visions of Dutchess County were presented Wednesday morning,
when Democratic challenger Diane Jablonski debated incumbent Republican
County Executive Marcus Molinaro.

Jablonski is a former Dutchess County comptroller, while Molinaro served
previously as state assemblyman, county legislator, and mayor of Tivoli.

“Dutchess County is struggling,” Jablonski maintained. “People
are leaving the county. Our young people are leaving because they can’t
get jobs; our seniors are leaving because they can’t afford to live
here,” she said.

Molinaro countered that outward migration is a statewide concern, which
his administration is addressing by investing in the city and village

“Dutchess County is doing relatively well. Keep in mind we have
an economy in transition, from IBM centric to something a bit more diverse.”

Jablonski endorsed a higher minimum wage. “Everybody deserves a
living wage, and I think that $15 provides the minimal support for people
to stay and live in Dutchess County,” she said.

Molinaro passed on the question, deferring to a call for ending the MTA
payroll tax. “If you can drive down the cost through an efficient
and effective state government, we can afford to live in this state,”
he said.

The high cost of living is Albany’s fault, Molinaro said, noting
70 percent of county expenditures are spent on unfunded mandates. “It
is the crisis that’s facing the State of New York; it’s why
property taxes are as high as they are. When Albany doesn’t want
to pay the bill, they shift it down to us,” he said.

Jablonski fired back, that Molinaro could have addressed mandate relief
when he served in the Assembly. “He also takes that approach when
he takes the sales tax away from the cities and towns of Dutchess, making
it harder for them to balance their budget. I think that’s unfair,”
she said.

Jablonski accused Molinaro of mismanagement. “The reality in Dutchess
County today is we are failing, we are losing, we are in the 21st Century,
and need to bring modern solutions to the job,” Jablonski said.
“I am without doubt the best qualified candidate ever to run for
this office.”

Molinaro stood by his record and policies. “By working together,
we can be the example of great success. Dutchess is on the verge of a
comeback, and we’re moving forward together,” he said.


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