Newburgh council members exchange heated words over police disability claims


NEWBURGH – Members of the Newburgh City Council Monday night did not mince words as discussion continued over a disability claim filed by a police lieutenant.
Jack Leach went out on disability claiming he was injured on the job, but the city manager began an investigation after it was learned he may have been collecting city funds, but working another job.
The investigation cost some $50,000, which Councilman Cedric Brown said
was not necessary.
“This city is not built to do $50,000 investigations for anybody,” Brown said.
Councilwoman Gay Lee stood up for the officer.
“There was no evidence that this man has done anything so wrong that he needs to go to jail,” an outraged Lee said.  “What the hell is happening here? You’ve got to be kidding,”
Mayor Judy Kennedy said rampant abuse of disability claims by police and firefighters has plagued the entire state and she wanted to know if and how much was going on in Newburgh.
“This police officer has recanted his claim on disability,” Kennedy said.  “If he really deserved it and he was really there, why did he recant? End of story; end of discussion. That’s it.”
The Orange County District Attorney’s Office is investigating and has subpoenaed all documents and records pertaining to the case.

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