Sullivan HEAP applicants will have easier time this year


MONTICELLO – After last year’s disaster with the Home Energy Assistance Program, Sullivan County officials have been taking steps to make sure that doesn’t happen again.
During their monthly meeting, the county legislature approved an agreement
with three organizations to assist with the HEAP application process …
CACHE, Sullivan County Federation for the Homeless, Independent Living
Center, Inc., and Action Toward Independence Inc. 
Legislature Chairman Scott Samuelson said this means a total of five
access and application points, including the county social service office
outside Liberty.
“Obviously because we are addressing it early, that’s going to be a help, also, it’s going to eliminate everybody having to go up to the Liberty Office,” Samuelson said.  “This spreads it out a little bit so people have a choice as to where they go.  So, we think that will be, will expedite it and make it a lot easier for the people who need it.”
The flap last year, over a huge backlog of unprocessed applications, is what largely contributed to the suspension and eventual firing of then Health and Family Services Commissioner Randy Parker. 

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