DEP notes 100th farm lease on water supply property


WALTON – The 100th farm lease on New York City-owned water supply lands has been signed by the Department of Environmental Protection. It was signed by farmer Paul Deysenroth of Byebrook Farm in Bloomville, who cuts hay on 15 acres of DEP land to support his dairy operation.
Over the last 11 years, DEP has leased more than 3,700 acres to farmers who use the property for cutting hay, planting and harvesting row crops, grazing livestock, and tapping maple trees.
“Many of these working lands were historically used for cutting hay, growing corn and grazing livestock – activities that time and science have proven to be compatible with maintaining high quality drinking water in our reservoirs,” said DEP Commissioner Emily Lloyd.
“Our organization firmly believes in working landscapes,” said Watershed Agricultural Council Executive Director Craig Cashman. “We know that conserving farm and forest land prevents parcelization, has a positive impact on the environment, and therefore enhances quarter quality. 

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