Hein sees a high-tech future for Ulster County


KINGSTON – Ulster County Executive
Michael Hein was in Kingston’s Uptown Stockade business district
Tuesday morning, rubbing elbows with the local digerati. Joined by his
business development staff and local high-tech entrepreneurs, he announced
a new campaign to attract young, talented, creative, educated and upwardly-mobile
techies to the area from New York City.

“Doing Business Differently” strives to aggressively market
Ulster County as the can-do destination for all things technological and
futuristic. The summer campaign includes a presentation in New York City
slated for August, plus an upstate junket in September showcasing Ulster’s
beauty, diversity and convenience.

A new promotional video dovetails with these efforts as well, placing
Ulster County on the leading edge of tech based businesses.

“Ulster County is one of the top job creation per capita locations
in the State of New York. It’s remarkable,” Hein noted. “We
have a secret, but it’s not a secret anymore. We have an amazing
emerging tech based economy happening right here in Ulster County.”

Presentation creative team with Hein (fourth from right)


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