RECAP awarded $50,000 grant through RESTORE program


MIDDLETOWN – Regional Economic Community
Action Program of Middletown has received $50,000 to help Orange County
homeowners make improvements.

The grant, through New York State’s Residential Emergency Services
to Offer Repairs to the Elderly (RESTORE) program, helps eligible homeowners
make emergency repairs to eliminate hazardous conditions.

“These funds are critical in assisting elderly homeowners as the
current economic conditions have negatively impacted their ability to
age in place,” said RECAP Executive Director Joseph Czajka.

Residents must be over 60 years old, be income-eligible Orange County
residents, and meet other conditions.

Services include roof repair, stairs, railings, and bathrooms.

RECAP has offered weatherization services to area residents for years
through the Energy Conservation program. This grant is earmarked for construction
that is not energy-related.

There is a $5,000 per house maximum.


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