Opioid deaths on the rise in Rockland County, warns DA


NEW CITY – Last year in Rockland County, 24 people died from opioid drug overdoses. So far this year, 17 people have died and that has District Attorney Thomas Zugibe concerned.
There is a much more potent version of heroin on the streets lately with the drug laced with fentanyl, which can very easily kill the drug abuser, Zugibe said.
The nasal spray pharmaceutical Narcan has saved many lives, but the DA has a warning about that.
“Narcan has been extremely successful in terms of interdicting death in many, many cases,” Zugibe said. “I just hope we are not relying on it too much as a crutch and I am hoping that a lot of young people aren’t too aware that it is present and therefore are taking more chances, which is always the other side of the coin.”
Zugibe warned of fentanyl-laced heroin stamped with the names “Best Buy,” Red Devil,” and “Bugatti.”

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