Tourism summit held as prelude to casino


Participants included (L-R): Schumer, Neuhaus, Hawvermale, Cione

GOSHEN – Orange County officials are hoping for big returns from the gaming casino and resort to be built in Sullivan County.
A tourism summit held in Goshen Wednesday brought together officials
from the casino, county and federal governments.
U.S. Senator Charles Schumer was enthused about the possibilities.
“I’m hopeful with the minds we’ve gathered here, all focused on the same challenges and opportunities, we can develop several new ideas, several new avenues to pursue, several new ways to make sure that the expected new visitors to the Hudson Valley, in the years to come, will become a permanent fixture in Orange County’s tourism economy,” Schumer said.
Charles Degliomini, the executive vice president of Empire Resorts, which
will build the casino resort shared new information on the specifics of
its occupancy in Sullivan, as well as what that means for Orange County.
Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus said there is “a great opportunity for Orange County.
“When you talk to Charlie Degliomini from Montreign he says, ‘I don’t want people just come to the casino and go home’,” Neuhaus noted  “We don’t either, obviously, in Orange County and neither does the greater Sullivan County. We want the people that are going to come there to go to the local areas.”
Degliomini backed up that statement, having proven to be available to work with Neuhaus on jobs and bus service for the Newburgh community; creating an estimated 2,400 full- and part-time jobs, $76 million in annual employee compensation and $340 million in annual area economic output from the 18-story casino resort.
That facility will offer full amenities, outdoor activities, indoor water park, entertainment and shopping, in addition to gaming.
Degliomini used the summit to announce one of the unique and significant opportunities Montreign Casino Resort will be offering to the local business community.
“We are going to allow our player point system to be used at this museum [Hall of Fame of the Trotter], at Catherine’s [Restaurant] in Goshen, at Cosimo’s [Restaurant] in Woodbury, at any qualified local restaurant or tourist attraction you will find me, come to our company and we will allow our points to be used at your facility,” said Degliomini.  “Our players show up at your places of business and we send you the check.”
The summit was held in coordination with Schumer, the Orange County tourism office headed by Susan Hawvermale and the Orange County Chamber of Commerce headed by Lynne Cione. 

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