SUNY New Paltz remains committed to additional student housing


NEW PALTZ – In the wake a State Supreme
Court justice’s decision siding with the Town of New Paltz that
the Wilmorite/Park Point student housing project is not eligible for a
payment-in-lieu-of-taxes agreement, SUNY New Paltz officials said they
will continue to work on developing additional housing.
“The college remains committed to our critical need for safe, proximate, high-quality apartment-style housing for our students, faculty and staff,” said Melissa Kaczmarek, media relations manager as the college. “SUNY New Paltz is at the bottom of SUNY comprehensive colleges in the number of beds per student, and we will continue to explore options available to us to address the shortage of housing in New Paltz that is longstanding, and critical to the educational interests of current and future students.”
The property that Wilmorite was hoping build on is owned by the SUNY New Paltz Foundation.  Its chairman of the Real Estate Committee, David Dorsky, said the foundation “has been steadfast in recognizing and supporting SUNY New Paltz’s need for student, faculty and staff housing.”
Dorsky said they will continue to support the college in its efforts to help meet “this immediate and critical need.”

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