Local chamber of commerce takes stand on Orange County Government Center


Debate over the future of the closed government center lingers on

GOSHEN – The Montgomery Chamber of Commerce board has lent its support to a plan by New York City architect Gene Kaufman to rebuild the Orange County Government Center in Goshen and convert into artist space and apartments.
The county plans to move forward with its own renovations to the building, which includes demolition of a portion of the existing structdure with construction of a new section.
The local business group said the estimated cost of the Kaufman plan is lower than the cost of the renovation plan by $27 million, “resulting in substantial savings to the taxpayers.”
Chamber President John Kidd said the county is being offered “an incredible opportunity.” He said the Kaufman proposal “not only puts a new government center back in Goshen and preserves the architectural integrity of the Paul Rudolph building, bit it puts the Rudolph building back on the tax roll, gives us money to put toward our deficit, and as proposed, will save the taxpayers of Orange County up to $27 million.”
General opposition to the county’s renovation plan is based on the concerns that it would dramatically change the appearance of architect Rudolph’s original design. 

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