The Mill apartment complex underway in Middletown


Building, constructed in 1875, will become affordable housing

MIDDLETOWN – The same developers that want to build the Mid-Broadway apartment complex in Newburgh have started a similar project in Middletown.
The Mill at Middletown, at Mill and Harding Street, is in its early stages. The building was constructed in 1875 and has been used for light industry and retail, including hat and shoe manufacturing, wood furniture manufacturing and new auto parts retail.
Developer Patrick Normoyle said the building will house 42 apartments as workforce housing, but will also include other amenities.
On the first floor, they are working with RECAP, the regional Economic Community Action Program.
“We are creating a small café, about 1,700 square feet in that brick building,” Normoyle said. “RECAP operates a very successful job training program that primarily works with long-term welfare recipients and provides job training and then helps individuals find full-time employment.”
That café would be operated by RECAP’s clients.
The total cost of the project is $14.3 million. 

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