New Windsor police chief ends long career


NEW WINDSOR – Town Police Chief Michael Biasotti walked out of the New Windsor Police station Friday for the last time in uniform. As he left, police officers lined up in double file to salute.

Biasotti is given a final salute and an escorted ride home
  (photos: Jim Lennon)

The life-long New Windsor resident may be leaving daily police work, but he will continue in law enforcement. He has been a consultant on homeland security in Washington, DC, and will continue in that role, as well as his advocacy for the mentally ill.
“I will be acting as a consultant with the federal government in matters of emergency management and also in homeland security issues and I will continue my advocacy on behalf of the seriously mentally ill, if not step it up a little,” the departing chief said.  “I am recently a board member of the Treatment Advocacy Center, a non-profit in Washington, DC. I will be doing a lot more work with them.”
Biasotti, whose degree thesis is widely consulted on homeland security matters, said he is considering writing a book about the subject.
Taking over the reins in New Windsor is Deputy Police Chief Richard Hovey.

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