State comptroller critical of Town of Goshen police payroll


GOSHEN – The Town of Goshen Police Department payroll processing needs to tighten its internal controls, the state comptroller’s office said.
The agency conducted an audit of the department for the period of January 1, 2012 through April 7, 2014.
Among the key findings of the review were that an officer working for another entity had time overlaps, a full-time officer did not appear to have worked certain hours claimed on his timesheet, and four officers were paid for days off to which they were not entitled.
The audit also found that police department members did not always sign the daily member attendance record and not all overtime was properly documented. It also said leave time records maintained by the department did not match those in the town payroll register.
The comptroller’s report said the town should ensure that all department employees complete the member attendance record and work the required hours, and ensure that overtime is properly documents. It also said the town should pursue recovering the inappropriate payments and ensure that only officers entitle to receive paid days off receive them. It also said the town should ensure that accurate department leave time records are maintained, monitored and periodically reconciled with those in the central payroll register. 

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