Monticello parking issue heats up

Monticello Village Hall

MONTICELLO – Zev Schlesinger says contrary to what Monticello Mayor Rochelle Massey claims, he never got in her face at her home and cursed at her over his overnight parking tickets on Broadway.

She filed harassment charges against him and secured a stay away order, but Sullivan County District Attorney Brian Conaty declined to prosecute the allegations.

Now, Schlesinger says he will continue to park overnight.

“I am also planning to file a federal lawsuit for the unlawful arrest, violation of my civil rights, and I believe it is Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 242, which is deprivation of rights under the color of law,” he said.

Schlesinger said village law only disallows overnight parking on Broadway during winter months to allow for snow plowing.

He also called village special counsel Michael Sussman “a crooked attorney” and said he will file a Bar complaint against him, for speaking out on the case involving the mayor.

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