Terminated Newburgh teacher calls on DA to investigate “criminal conspiracy”


NEWBURGH – Richard Desiderio has been a teacher in the Newburgh Enlarged City School District for years enjoying his time in the classroom, watching as his students grow academically and socially.

Things began to change in 2019 when he blew the whistle on a high school attendance and grades scandal where some teachers and administrators were fudging the records of student-athletes so they could continue to play.

As a result of his investigation, Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler conducted an investigation, presented the evidence to a grant jury and issued a 100-page report. He took no punitive action and said he would leave that to the state Education Department.

But, ever since then, Desiderio has had a target on his back, being written up for a number of things and when then School Board President Darren Stridiron attempted to have him protected as a whistleblower, the school administration blocked it.

Most recently he was brought up on charges that he inappropriately dealt with a first-grader and was suspended with pay during the entire 2023-24 school year until hearings were held and he was ultimately terminated last week.

Since then, he has written a lengthy report to DA Hoovler urging him to launch a criminal investigation into the conduct of top school district officials.

Hoovler, meanwhile, said he would look into it.  “We are aware of it (Desiderio’s allegations). We obviously looked into the attendance issues that they had several years ago, and again, we follow up on all the leads that are presented to us,” he said.

Desiderio said his firing was “in retaliation for my participation in your 2019 investigation into attendance and grades malfeasance.” He said additionally, school district officials “are trying to eliminate any potential witnesses, in an effort to conceal financial improprieties.”

The school board majority that voted to terminate his employment is ending as new board members will be sworn in tonight (Tuesday), which will change the power of the majority, and it is possible the new makeup of the board could rehire him.

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