Construction underway at Brewster schools


BREWSTER – Members of the Brewster school community gathered at Bears Field as the summer break got underway Monday to celebrate the capital project approved by voters in 2023.

As shovels were placed in the ground, Assistant Superintendent Victor Karlsson told some 75 attendees including teachers, residents, parents, students, district administrators and members of the board of education that the day had been a “long time in coming since the Facilities Planning Task Force was organized over three years ago. After overcoming many obstacles in obtaining State Education Department approval to begin the work, we are now ready to deliver on the promises made to our students, staff, and community.”

Brewster’s new Superintendent Michelle Gosh complimented those who came out for the groundbreaking. “You all could have spent your first day of summer vacation sleeping in. We are just getting started with this multiphase project. People tell me all the time that our campus is beautiful, and I tell them, ‘Just wait.’”

Board of Education President Kerry Cunningham noted the groundbreaking “marked the start of exciting improvements to our school buildings and campus.” 

She gave special thanks to the Brewster community for “supporting the projects that will significantly improve our students’ academic and extracurricular experiences.”

Gosh thanked the community for “always showing up for our kids. These improvements will ensure that our students continue to succeed both inside and outside of the classroom.”

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