Newburgh school board holds extraordinary Sunday session


NEWBURGH – In a highly unusual move, the Newburgh school board has called a special meeting for Sunday at 12:30 p.m. The session comes just days before the July 2 reorganization of the board with a shift in the majority.

“While it is open to the public, for me and many others in the community this is a day of worship and traditionally a family day. I personally do not believe that a meeting such as this should be scheduled on the Sabbath,” said Christine Bello, a member of the board speaking solely as a taxpayer and city resident, not as a board member.

She said the agenda for the meeting contains items that are not time sensitive and should be placed on the regular meeting agenda for July 2, a short two days later.

“The most egregious part of this action is that if all items pass, hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars will have been authorized to be spent without allowing public comment. The checkbook from which these expenses will be paid belongs to the people, therefore the public should never be excluded from comment,” Bello said.

“In my personal opinion as a taxpayer and concerned resident of the district, this appears to be a deliberate attempt to manipulate the vote before the new majority is fully seated on July 2, 2024. For me and many others in the community this is a day of worship and traditionally a family day. I personally do not believe that a meeting such as this should be scheduled on the Sabbath.”

Bello went on to add, “In my personal opinion as a taxpayer and concerned resident of the district, this appears to be a deliberate attempt to manipulate the vote before the new majority is fully seated on July 2, 2024.”

The three-item agenda deals with three top administrative positions.

One item names Onyx Peterson as the deputy  superintendent at a salary of $230,000 through June 30, 2025 and three percent increases each year through June 30, 3037, the end of her contract.

The school board also plans to extend the contract of Dr. Natasha Freeman-Mack as assistant superintendent – chief equity officer for three years, concluding on June 30, 2028 with a salary of $185,000 beginning July 1, 2025 and increasing by three percent each of the additional three years. It also includes $1,900 per year fore holding a doctoral degree.

The board will also vote on extending the contract of Kimberly Rohring as assistant superintendent for finance/chief financial officer for three years, from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2028 with three percent per year raises. Her base salary is not listed in the resolution to be voted on by the board on Sunday.

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